Terms Of Service

Pembuatan Website

  • Minimum purchase for 12 months or 1 year applies in multiples.
  • Hosting Capacity includes Email Storage (Cloud Hosting Plan). However, the Dedicated Server and VPS capacity services do not include email storage services, as an alternative the Business Email Service uses Business Email Hosting or you can also use the SMTP service offered.
  • The number of design revisions applies every time there is a change to the website design/template
  • The Home Page is the page that we created. You can add pages independently in the future
  • The Initial Product Page is the product page that we work on at the beginning. You can add it yourself.
  • Email Storage Capacity is 1 GB per Account or follows the Capacity of each cloud hosting package.
  • The .co.id and .sch.id domains require special requirements that must be prepared by the customer.
  • Additional features outside the provisions above will incur additional costs depending on the type of feature.
  • GoDi receives materials / files / images that are ready to be uploaded. If there is editing or special requests, additional fees will apply.
  • Work begins after a minimum payment of 50%. Payment is made when the website is online, except for the Standard Web package, payment must be made in full first.
  • Extension fees must be paid in full at the start of each extension no later than 14 days before the due date.
  • Processing time is approximately 5 – 14 days depending on the difficulty and readiness of the client’s website material.

The Renter (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”) is prohibited from doing so

  1. Using the GoDi server for activities that are contrary to the laws in force in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia or the laws stipulated in the jurisdiction where the Client lives or international law. GoDi is not responsible for the content of the Client’s site, the Client is fully responsible for the content of his own site (including the username password held by the Client is the Client’s own responsibility).
  2. Saving files or content that directly or indirectly contains files:
    • Mp3 Files or similar
    • Pirated software
    • Software/Website Plagiarism
    • Hackers Phreaking or archives programs
    • Content Phising
    • Warez Sites
    • Internet BOT, BNC, Egg Drop, etc
    • The contents of the site violate copyright/patent rights
    • Uses GoDi servers for adult/porn sites
    • Video/Audio Streaming
    • Web Chat / Chat Room
    • Web Mining Cryptocurrency
    • Host TOR exit nodes and related torrents
  3. GoDi clients are prohibited from using the GoDi domain and services for the sale of abortion drugs, the sale of hard drugs without a license, and any form of sale of prohibited and/or illegal drugs.
  4. Using GoDi services for activities to sell or buy products, goods or services that may harm other parties or for fraudulent purposes using hyip systems, pyramid schemes, money games, chain letters, gambling and other systems prohibited by the Indonesian Government.
  5. Using the GoDi server to run background processes (processes that work continuously on the server). For example: IRC bot, wget , Java Chat Server others.
  6. If GoDi finds an account using excessive resources and burdening the server, GoDi has the right to temporarily deactivate the account and provide a warning to the account owner. And the account can be reopened after there is an agreement with the owner to optimize the program and/or upgrade using a dedicated server.
  7. Trying to damage, enter, duplicate, try to replace data systems located on the GoDi server which is not the right of the Client concerned, or do things that can be categorized as detrimental to GoDi’s system.
  8. Trying to damage, trying to replace data server systems belonging to third parties via the GoDi server.
  9. Sending Spam E-mail and/or mass mail (e-mail offering goods or services, promotions, affiliates, MLM or any type of activity that disturbs other parties or GoDi) that is not requested or desired by other parties either through GoDi servers or external servers. This also includes websites that are considered to invite SPAM and are not allowed to be hosted on GoDi. If the Client commits SPAM, the Client’s account will be immediately blocked without prior notification and the Client must make a written agreement on a seal accompanied by a photocopy of the Client’s ID card and sent via post to GoDi’s address that the Client will not repeat the SPAM act is willing to take action in accordance with applicable law. in Indonesia. If GoDi’s warning is not responded to within 2 weeks, we will close the Client’s account.
  10. Selling web space, free e-mail forward/POP3/Autoresponder, subdomains, etc. to other parties without written permission from GoDi.
  11. Using a fake credit card or someone else’s credit card without the permission of the credit card owner.
  12. It is prohibited to use content from the GoDi website without GoDi’s permission. Including text, images, or other files.
  13. Using GoDi services for fraudulent purposes is prohibited. If fraud occurs:
    • Third parties as reporters and GoDi clients as reported parties are required to include evidence and personal data for verification from GoDi.
    • GoDi verifies the GoDi Client via email to the GoDi Client and must be responded to no later than 1 x 24 hours. If there is no response during the grace period, the website will be disabled.
    • If the fraud process cannot be resolved by consensus, then the victim or reporter can use the legal process in accordance with the laws in force in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
    • During the legal process, GoDi will deactivate the account in question until the problem is resolved.

Client Obligations

If the following obligations cannot be fulfilled then we cannot accept you as our Client.

  1. Willing to “read” these rules before registering willing to “obey” these rules after registering with GoDi.
  2. Responsible for setting up or configuring the equipment to access the Service.
  3. Register an e-mail address that is still functioning (can receive e-mail properly) to the GoDi Client database, because this e-mail address will be used for your account information, billing, announcements and other notifications. If in the future the Client changes their email address, the Client is required to update their own email address to the GoDi Client database.
  4. Check e-mail at least once every 3 days and must “read” the contents of e-mails from GoDi (announcements, bills, etc.) or other companies related to GoDi, for example Domain Registrar, and all related organizations. GoDi does not send bills or other notices by fax or postal mail. Expiry information is an obligation that must be known by the Client and GoDi only provides information.
  5. Comply with all regulations or instructions given by GoDi at all times related to the use of services, so that the Client’s website remains present and can be accessed properly. For example, e-mail announcements about changes to DNS addresses, contacts, server changes or other instructions.
  6. Pay on time for services that the Client orders no later than the due date stated on the invoice.
  7. Specifically for ID domains, as of July 1 2007, the government has changed the provisions that ID domains (co.id / web.id / or.id / ac.id / sch.id / go.id) which previously had a lifetime have been managed with an extension per year.
  8. Send confirmation after making payment and explain the payment requirements. Clients are required to confirm in the manner specified by GoDi.
  9. Responsible for obtaining at its own expense, all licenses, permits, approvals, and intellectual property rights or other rights that may be required to use the Service.
  10. Responsible for all information captured, stored and transmitted by Client through the service.
  11. Responsible for managing the use of the storage capacity provided so that it does not exceed the capacity that has been allocated for it. If GoDi finds that there is excessive use of hosting account capacity, then GoDi has the right to temporarily deactivate the account until there is a repair or upgrade for the excess use of hosting capacity at GoDi.
  12. Comply with the rules and regulations that have applied and will apply at GoDi. Items not set out on this page will be set out at a later time.

Special Provisions


  1. GoDi will issue an invoice to the email registered in the GoDi billing system 14 days before the due date.
  2. Every GoDi service is not subject to 11% VAT
  3. The account validity period depends on the period selected when placing an order.
  4. The invoice validity period is 7 days.
  5. Expired hosting will be suspended for 30 days.
  6. Hosting that is not extended by 30 days will be terminated and data cannot be restored.
  7. Each client is advised to confirm payment by contacting GoDi via email, WA, telephone or filling in the confirmation form on the member area page to ensure the order has been processed.
  8. If within 24 hours the order has not been activated, we recommend contacting GoDi again for clarification.
  9. GoDi is not responsible for any consequences arising from the absence of payment confirmation such as:
    • Domain/hosting/SSL and/or other services expire.
    • Domain/hosting/SSL and or other services are lost.
    • Domain/hosting/SSL and/or other services suspended.
    • Incurred costs for restoring domain/hosting/SSL and/or other services.
  10. GoDi has the right not to activate the Client’s account if proof of payment/transfer has not been received by GoDi. Payments that do not use a unique code that matches the invoice must be confirmed via email. GoDi is not responsible for orders that have been paid but have not been processed because there has been no confirmation via email.
  11. Funds that have been paid to GoDi cannot be returned for any reason if the consumer cancels the contract unilaterally.
  12. All fees determined by GoDi must be paid in full by the Client. Fees for stamp duty, taxes, sending invoices, and anything outside the facilities we provide in our service will be borne by the Client himself.
  13. If the Client decides to resign from the GoDi service, the Client is required to provide notification to the GoDi Billing Department before the due date in the month concerned. If there is no notification of resignation from the Client, then the Client’s monthly payments are deemed to be ongoing and the Client is obliged to pay the arrears.
  14. GoDi has the right to delete all site content that is more than 30 days in arrears there is no compensation for lost data or any losses caused by the deletion of the account.
  15. Backing up hosting data can only be done as long as the hosting account is still active. Please renew first via the members area so that we can back up your hosting account data.
  16. GoDi has the right to withhold the transfer/change of the Client’s domain name which has financial obligations.
  17. If there is a change in staff or admin, the Client is obliged to change/replace the data in our Customer Database (Customer Automation) and Domain Manager (WHOIS Information). If you have difficulty changing the data, you can contact our Customer Service to change it (the change request must be sent via the email previously registered in our database). This is to avoid information about announcements or domain extensions and so on not being received.
  18. Some requests and changes must be made by submitting an email request to info@GoDi.my.id.
  19. GoDi is not responsible for Client credit card charges because our staff will never ask for or store your credit card information. GoDi does not accept complaints about credit cards, for example: The relevant Domain Registrar charges more than the price specified on our site.
  20. GoDi can no longer accept you as our Client if the Domain Name you use has a record that the Domain Name was previously hosted on GoDi and has outstanding arrears. The domain name can only be accepted/hosted again at GoDi if the previous arrears have been paid. In this case, we only recognize the Domain Name, not the Account/Domain Owner Name.
  21. GoDi has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally if the Client commits bad ethics or acts that are excessively rude/inhumane or exceed the limits of decency.
  22. GoDi has the right to demand compensation if the Client or ex-Client intentionally defames GoDi in the mass media, mailing list, or similar.
  23. GoDi has the right to refuse the Client’s request to release GoDi company data in any form, which is not within the Client’s right.
  24. GoDi has the right to terminate services to Clients unilaterally if the Client’s domain name and website content is proven to contain sentences that are sensitive or prohibited by one of the countries in the world. Whether related to religion, politics, religion and so on.
  25. GoDi has the right to disable (suspend) hosting accounts that are detected as carrying out activities that require very large resources (apache, mysql, mail, etc.) and cause the server to go down. And a new hosting account can be reopened if there is an agreement from the Client to improve the website program so that it no longer takes up large resources.
  26. GoDi reserves the right to display the Client’s Website address on our Customer List. This will actually benefit the Client because the Client concerned will get additional visitors/traffic from our Customer List.
  27. GoDi has several divisions such as GoDihost which is a webhosting and domain division. All GoDi members will automatically get the latest information from GoDi. However, GoDi members who do not want the latest information services from GoDi, can unsubscribe from this service.
  28. GoDi cannot return rental money if there is a disaster, riot or anything that is undesirable and beyond our capabilities.
  29. GoDi has the right to deactivate (suspend) domain accounts that are considered problematic based on existing data at that time to maintain the existence of the domain as long as the domain is considered problematic.
  30. Bills or Invoices can only be accessed from the member page and/or sent via registered email. Invoice requests from other than these two accesses will not be entertained to maintain confidentiality, security and the risk of losing domain and hosting accounts.


  1. The domain name chosen by our Client cannot be replaced with another domain name. If the Client wants to change the domain name, then the Client must make a new purchase for the other domain name. This also applies to hosting registration, where active hosting cannot be replaced with hosting for another domain name.
  2. The client will not blame GoDi if the domain name the client ordered has been purchased by another party before we have time to register it (on the same day).
  3. The client as the domain owner is obliged to comply with the regulations determined by the relevant Domain Registrar, for example regarding domain use, whois information, renewal methods and so on. GoDi only helps its clients register the domain name with the Domain Registrar, any risks or losses caused by the Domain Registrar are beyond GoDi’s responsibility. The same thing applies to SSL and Privacy Protect.
  4. The Client is fully responsible for the WHOIS (contact person and address) information completed by the Client himself. Clients are prohibited from abusing “Owner/Registrant Contact”, “Administrative Contact” and “Billing Contact”, for example using other people’s names and addresses without permission from the party concerned.
  5. GoDi gives its Clients access to change their domain name information live, but GoDi cannot provide our Registrar user ID and root password. Where the user ID and password for the account are the ones we use to register domains for other GoDi clients.
  6. Any costs or losses incurred by third parties, for example the Domain Registrar (the company where the Client’s domain name is registered) are the Client’s obligation, NOT GoDi’s obligation. Examples: invoices domain name extensions, invoices due to modifying/changing domain names, changing DNS addresses after moving servers, payment confirmation errors from the Domain Registrar for payment or domain name extensions, expired/released domain names of our clients, email invoices for domain names sent by the Registrar which did not reach our Client’s mailbox, damage to the domain name and other things related to the Client’s domain name. The same thing applies to SSL and Privacy Protect.
  7. Every EPP Code Domain request, move service and Domain transfer will be processed within 1 x 24 hours. This process will validate the managed account data on GoDi with email and data on the Client’s Identity Card/KTP.
  8. Premium domains are domains that are sold at prices above the standard price according to the policies/regulations of each Registry. GoDi reserves the right to cancel domain orders declared as premium domains by the Registry and make further adjustments
  9. Clients must complete the domain registration requirements .co.id, or.id, .ac.id, .sch.id, .web.id, .biz.id, .my.id, .ponpes.id completely so as not to be suspended without any refund. Detailed registration requirements for these domains can be seen here.


  1. Free domain for life on the hosting package can change at any time to paid without notice to the Client, following the domain pricing policy in force at GoDi.
  2. Renewing a domain name is the Client’s own obligation and responsibility. If there is no prior notification of resignation from the Client, then the Client must still make monthly hosting payments even though the Client’s domain name has expired. The Client must renew the domain name itself 2 months before the expiry date to avoid the Client’s domain name expiring. GoDi is not responsible for fines/losses incurred as a result of such delays. Because GoDi only helps register, process and extend the Client’s domain name to the Domain Registrar.
  3. Any domain that has expired can no longer be ordered for renewal from the member page. Clients can extend using the invoice sent by GoDi via email.
  4. In the period 1-30 days after expiration, the Client still has the opportunity to renew the domain at a normal renewal fee.
  5. In the period 31-60 days after expiration, clients who renew their domain will be charged a domain return fee of 10x the renewal price and specifically for .id domains 4x the renewal price.
  6. GoDi has the right to own, sell, auction or transfer domains that have expired for more than 30 days.
  7. Within 61 days after expiration, the domain cannot be repossessed.
  8. An extension of the 10x fine period does not guarantee success, and the invoice is only valid for 1 day from confirmation that an extension can be made. Any failure to renew during this period is the Client’s responsibility.
  9. GoDi is not responsible for returning domains whose renewal payments have been processed but failed due to the system causing the domain to be owned by someone else
  10. GoDi will only refund the amount paid by the customer plus a compensation fee of 2 times the domain price if the system fails to renew which causes the domain to be owned by someone else.
  11. Clients are prohibited from replacing “Owner/Registrant Contact”, “Administrative Contact” and “Billing Contact” with GoDi’s name and email address, because announcements such as domain renewals and so on will be sent to that address (to the Client). Renewing the domain name is entirely the Client’s own responsibility, the Client has no right to use GoDi’s name and email address.
  12. In accordance with Domain Registry regulations ICANN – manager of all domain names in the world), if your domain name has expired/maturity for more than 60 days, the Registrar (ICANN Reseller) will hand over your domain name back to the Registry so that your domain status changes to “REDEMPTION PERIOD”. The registry will hold the domain name until it is released/available.


  1. Domain status must be OK
  2. Unlocked domain
  3. Privacy protection off (Disable)
  4. Theft Protection off (Disable)
  5. Active domain status (at least domain transfer is carried out a maximum of 14 days before it expires)
  6. The administrative email status (email registered as the owner/manager of the domain in question) is active and can be accessed
  7. Have a valid domain EPP Code (secret code). The EPP Code can be obtained from the previous domain provider.
  8. The minimum active period for a new domain is 60 days
  9. The domain active period after renewal is a minimum of 45 days
  10. Domain names are not involved in legal issues
  11. Domain transfer takes approximately 5-7 days
  12. If the domain has just been renewed, the domain enters a Grace Period of 45 days. If a domain transfer is carried out within the grace period, the previous extension will be forfeited and funds cannot be returned. If the domain has just been renewed, GoDi recommends transferring the domain 45 days after the renewal date.


  1. Each domain name registered at the promotional price will be locked for 1 year (Clients cannot transfer the domain) until a 2nd year extension is carried out. During the domain lock period, the Client can fully manage the domain.
  2. Promo domains must be renewed at least 1 month before the expiration date.
  3. Domain promo tidak dapat diperpanjang setelah melewati tanggal expired.
  4. Promo domain renewal will apply at normal prices.
  5. Matters that have not been regulated in the TOS regarding promotional domains can be decided by GoDi absolutely.


GoDi strictly prohibits any attempt at activity in the email hosting service to use resources that exceed the limits specified in each email hosting service package. Any form of activity that exceeds resource usage will be considered SPAM.

  1. GoDi Email Hosting is specifically for email use only without access to the website management menu.
  2. GoDi Hosting Email may only be used appropriately with the use of webmail or mail clients.
  3. GoDi has the right to deactivate accounts that exceed the resource limits according to the email hosting package, either due to normal use or spamming with or without prior information to the client.
  4. GoDi reserves the right to disable accounts that cause the mail server IP to be blacklisted by anti-spam organizations with or without prior information to the client.
  5. Transfer or migration of email hosting to GoDi which can be done from cPanel to cPanel.
  6. GoDi Email Hosting is not intended for newsletter services, spamming or any abuse attempts originating from email services.


  1. GoDi Dedicated Server products are UNMANAGED, management is completely carried out by the dedicated server Client.
  2. GoDi does not provide Back Up for Dedicated Server products.
  3. Free initial set up costs (1x) and initial data migration (1x) with initial server prerequisites and a dedicated server using cPanel.
  4. Migration services are provided free of charge for 3 Cloud websites. For the rest, a fee of IDR 80,000/website per 2GB is charged.
  5. Dedicated Server extensions that use a cPanel license beyond the expiration date will be subject to a license reactivation fee (license activation fee) following the policy of cPanel, L.L.C.


  1. GoDi’s Virtual Private Server (VPS) products are SELF MANAGED, management is completely carried out by the VPS Client
  2. GoDi’s Virtual Private Server (VPS) products are prohibited for illegal actions such as: DDOS, hacking tools, pornography, gambling websites, online prostitution, human trafficking and others
  3. GoDi’s Virtual Private Server (VPS) products are prohibited from being used as a VPN (Virtual Private Network) Server or Client, Forward Proxy Server, Socks Proxy, ToR and Anonymizer
  4. The GoDi system will detect any violations committed by the Client and take action to suspend the service until the service is reset
  5. GoDi’s Virtual Private Server (VPS) products can be upgraded but do not accommodate downgrade requests
  6. GoDi does not provide Free Back Up for Virtual Private Server (VPS) products
  7. Free initial setup fees (1x) and initial data migration (1x)
  8. Migration services are provided free of charge for 3 Cloud websites. For the rest, a fee of IDR 80,000/website per 2GB is charged
  9. Migration services apply to servers originating from cPanel, with destination VPS servers using cPanel and Cloudpages, ServerAvatar, ServerKade
  10. VPS services will be terminated 7 days after the expiry period and will enter a restore period of 30 days after expiry.
  11. The restoration process will incur an additional fee of 12 USD.
  12. Extension of a VPS that uses a cPanel license beyond the expiration date will be subject to a license reactivation fee (license activation fee) following the policy of cPanel, L.L.C.
  13. Managed Services VPS Services
    1. The Service is intended for GoDi Clients who have an active VPS
    2. In order to maintain the security and quality of managed services, any requests in the form of changes, additions or reductions are made in writing via email ticket cs@GoDi.my.id
    3. Any request outside of the ticket is not considered a request that will be carried out.
    4. Managed Services is specifically for new servers or fresh installs.
    5. For servers that have been active for a long time or servers that are indicated to be unsafe, re-installation is recommended
    6. Clients get non-root access for the purpose of managing the content in it.
    7. Clients are prohibited from making changes to server settings. If there are changes beyond the request, the risk of damage is entirely the responsibility of the Client.
    8. Services do not include content improvement, script optimization and website management.
  14. VPS BACKUP Service
    1. GoDi provides backup space as selected by the buyer (20/40/70 GB)
    2. Backup service can be used for vps using (cPanel / DirectAdmin / Plesk etc)
    3. GoDi will help with backup settings according to the buyer’s request sent via email ticket support@GoDi.com
    4. The backup service can store and retrieve data as long as the service is active and will stop if the service expires
    5. The expired backup service can be extended a maximum of 10 days after expiry, if activated after the 10th day then the payment is considered for a new purchase
    6. Backup data will be deleted if there is no activation of the backup service as stated in point 5
  15. VPS Spam Filter Service
    1. Service can be used for vps using (cPanel / DirectAdmin / Plesk etc)
    2. Spam Filter functions to prevent spam emails from being sent
    3. Clients can consult if there is a problematic email via email ticket cs@GoDi.my.id

Terms and Conditions for Hosting/Website Migration

Hosting Migration Definition

Hosting migration, or moving hosting, is the process of transferring website files from one hosting server to another hosting server. This migration process is also known as “website migration.”

Use of Control Panel

Each hosting service provider has a special control panel to manage their hosting servers. Some examples of commonly used control panels include cPanel, sPanel, Plesk, and others. cPanel is a control panel that is generally used by hosting service providers.

Hosting Migration to GoDi

GoDi provides free migration services. The GoDi team will help you move your website from your previous hosting provider at no additional cost.

Migration Procedure

To ensure that the migration process runs smoothly, please comply with the following terms:

  1. If your previous hosting used cPanel, please send your cPanel username and password. The GoDi team will take care of the migration process quickly and efficiently.
  2. The hosting to be migrated is still active (not suspended from the old provider) and uses cPanel.
  3. Hosting migration applies to a maximum of 5 GB backup data with less than 75,000 inodes. The rest will be charged IDR 80,000 per 2 GB.
  4. The migration process can only be carried out from the Main Domain to the Main Domain. If you have an addon domain that you want to use as your main domain (or vice versa), the migration process may take more than 1 x 24 hours.
  5. The maximum number of websites that can be moved is 3 websites. If you have more than 3 websites you want to move, you will be charged an additional fee of IDR 80,000 per additional website.
  6. The client is obliged to ensure that the cPanel account to be migrated does not contain illegal content, violate copyright, or violate the terms of use. If violations are discovered, GoDi reserves the right to refuse or cancel the migration request with or without prior notification.
  7. GoDi is not responsible for any damage or loss of data during or after the migration process. Clients are advised to backup data before starting the migration process.
  8. Customization of the content in the account’s cPanel is the Client’s responsibility. GoDi is not responsible for any errors or losses that may arise due to content incompatibilities between the previous provider’s version of cPanel and GoDi’s cPanel.
  9. GoDi reserves the right to modify or discontinue the free cPanel to cPanel migration service without prior notice


GoDi presents Cloud Hosting products specifically for clients who are looking for and want to use WordPress CMS (Content Management System) based hosting. Clients who use this service agree and comply with the provisions set by GoDi.

The server resources of each GoDi Cloud Hosting account must be used reasonably. Client server CPU and memory usage is configured according to the package used so that server performance remains stable and other clients continue to experience the optimal performance of the GoDi hosting server.

GoDi has the right to suspend or terminate services on hosting accounts that use unreasonable resources and violate the specified TOS. Such suspension or termination is carried out with or without notice to the Client.

Storage usage on the GoDi Cloud Hosting account is as follows:

  1. The disk space and inodes (Number of Files) provisions for each Cloud Hosting package are listed on the purchase package page. If one of the conditions for using disk space or inodes reaches the limit, then the hosting can be called full space and the Client can upgrade the package on it.
  2. Storage on a hosting account is prohibited for backup storage, online storage, file sharing services, film storage, photo and video storage, software storage, copyrighted file storage, or file storage that is illegal, unlawful, pornographic or abusive. , document archives or other types of archives, backup files (with the exception of single cPanel backups generated from cPanel), or log files. GoDi reserves the right to remove such files from the Client’s account with or without notice to the client, even deleting the account.
  3. GoDi reserves the right to delete any single file larger than 500 MB from the Client’s account without considering the contents of the file with or without prior notification
  4. GoDi Cloud Hosting Services is specifically not for mail hosting use. GoDi reserves the right to disable accounts using email with more than 5GB of disk space, until such Cloud Hosting account is upgraded by the Client to dedicated services, in which case such restrictions do not apply
  5. GoDi performs backups automatically once every day with the following conditions:
    • The maximum backup account size does not exceed the client package disk for all GoDi Cloud Hosting packages
    • Backup sizes that exceed these limits are not GoDi’s responsibility
    • The backup that GoDi performs is an rsync backup, meaning that the new backup will overwrite the old backup
  6. Free SSL
    • The free SSL on the Bronze and Silver packages is cPanel or LetsEncrypt SSL which will be active and automatically renewed every 2 or 3 months
  7. All terms and conditions can change at any time, following existing developments


  1. Sites that contain types of commodity futures trading, use investment schemes, profit sharing must obtain permission from BAPPEBTI.
  2. GoDi has the right to suspend permanently without any refund for domains and/or related hosting that contain types of commodity futures trading, use investment schemes, profit sharing that do not have permission from BAPPEBTI.

Violation of the Rules Conditions Above, GoDi Can:

  1. Give a strict warning 1 (one) time and impose a fine of up to 30 USD
  2. If the 2 warnings are ignored and the violation continues, GoDi will unilaterally terminate the service to the Client without obligation to return the rental money.

Once a Client registers on the GoDi order form and has become a GoDi Client, then all of the above rules apply to that Client.